Saturday, August 27, 2011

July and August 2011 It's HOT here...and other stories

June 30th
Re: the last discussion we were having: My opinion is that if it helps if someone isolates themselves from temptation then that‘s what they should do. The point of repentance is not to build up strength so that one can combat sin. It's to overcome it. If someone has to isolate themselves, then so be it. I know a man here who had a problem with gambling. The Bishop is so proud of this man’s progress. You want to know how this brother did it? Isolation. He moved to another city, which is 45 minutes away from the casinos and stuff. He doesn't go into the city with casinos without his wife or anyone there to stay with him. That's how he does it, and he will never go back into that city alone until he has completely conquered his problem. I remember a lesson that taught if you have a problem fighting off temptation, to change the physical environment. It's part of repentance. If someone has a drinking problem and is trying to repent, then it's perfectly fine if he doesn't go into a bar. The Lord doesn't want him to go into a bar and prove his strength by sitting at the bar and staying there for an hour without a drink. There's my rant. Sorry about that.
Re: Our 5 scheduled baptisms: Four of them fell through, but they still want to get baptized. Moroni, on the other hand is still scheduled to be baptized next Saturday. This kid is gung ho for church. Just last week, when we came over for the lesson, he showed us his brand new church clothes and tie. The next day (Sunday) he called his uncle and asked him what time church started. He said 1:00. Moroni said that he'd show up at 12:00. Sure enough, he walks to his uncle’s house all dressed and ready exactly at 12:00. He told his uncle that he needs to start getting ready. At 1:15 Moroni says that they need to go because they are late. His uncle says that he still needs to dress his daughters. Moroni says that's too bad and that they'll have to leave them home. Too funny. This kid is awesome.
So, Dad discovered Facebook is pretty fun… I had to be careful though not to spend too much time on it. You could easily pass away a day and not even know it.
I'm sorry to hear about Sis. Sitz. Like you said, she is in a MUCH better place. She doesn't have to worry about mutant possums or meth lab beakers anymore. I think she'll be enjoying a life of health and no misery. Funerals are a great way to teach the Gospel to non-members.
I'm really excited to help out with the Rescue program back home. You can count on me to keep up with the things that I need to do. I don't know how people just sit back and do nothing about their ward family members that are rotting away in inactivity. If they want to be clean from the blood and sins of others, they need to be involved. That's one thing I've learned about missionary work. While we're out here, we are cleaning the blood from our hands. As members, we all have blood on our hands automatically, and the only way we can clean it off is through working in the ministry. Ezekiel 33 1-9 explains that CLEARLY. It doesn't just apply to missionary work.... it applies to teachers, bishops, stake presidencies, Elder's Quorum presidencies, Prophets, area authorities, and so on. Reading that passage really opened up my eyes. Of course the Lord doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He DOES expect us to give it a shot and keep at it.
Well, Thanks for the email. I'm really happy that things are going well for you. Hope that Obamanomics don't affect you TOO much and that you'll be able to manage.

July 8th
Our 4th of July was actually a little anti-climactic. We didn't do any fireworks at a member's house, but I did turn 20 (missionary) months old. I'm scared to come home now. Not like terrified, but more like "What the heck am I gonna do?" I can't go to school just yet, cause I don't know where to go. I don't know who to date (well, that's if you- know-who ends up getting married). I don't know where to work. I just don't want to have to worry about it, but I know that I'm gonna have to. Don't get me wrong. I miss you all a lot. I just don't know how to handle the situation at home.
That must've been scary with Brice (he had an incident where he was in the pool and after swimming to the bottom of the deep end suddenly became pale, incoherent and slow to respond). I love that we have the priesthood and faith on our side. Priesthood blessings have saved my behind so many times (well, you already know THAT, but whatever- I can still say it). Keep me updated on how he is.
Oh, I DID do something yesterday. We didn't get any fireworks, but we DID get those little pop thingies that you throw on the ground. An investigator’s kid was playing with them and she gave me three little boxes. She had like 20 boxes. So I was throwing them around when I got a bright Idea. I took 20-30 of them, took out the rocks and but it all into a paper towel and made a BIGGER pop-thingy. It was loud. I didn't think that it would actually work, but it did.
Don't ask me why, but I just thought of a pair of scissor that I saw a month or two ago. They are made by Fiskars, and lemme tell ya, they are SICK. They have a twine cutter, tape cutter, bottle opener, blade sharpener, they come apart to make a knife, and something else I think. Anyways, I saw it and a demo video right next to it, and thought, "Wow, I could use something like that. That'd be really handy." Then I thought, "Wow, I sound just like Mom." I thought it was funny. It's interesting to see how children pick things up from their parents.
Yeah, we’ve seen some crime out here in some areas…even murders. Not like at the moment they happen, but I've seen the police bust out the yellow tape several times. It's pretty sketchy. I'm not worried by any means, but at the same time, I AM cautious. While I'm not afraid of death, I don't think that I'd find it convenient at this time of my life. I've still got a couple of things to do on my bucket list before I kick it.
I've got to get going. Thank you for everything that you do. I love you, and hope the best for you. I hope that your Missionary experience goes well. Once you start the fire of missionary work, the only thing that can put it out is inactivity, and we both know that that won't happen to you, because you are awesome!

July 14th
You are so funny Mom. hahaha. Seriously though. I like how you listed calling her as 4 of my 11 promised blessings from God. I just told Jotty actually, that I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm also not dashing it to pieces. I'm just gonna go for it if I get the chance.
Wow, what a story (about Jotty and another brother being in Wal-Mart when another member collapsed there). They seriously need to write that and send it into the Ensign. That would be a great article to show that God really IS in control. You're definitely right. That was no coincidence. I can't tell you how many times me and my companions have been in the right place at the right time. It's been the result of several baptisms. BOY am I glad for the guidance of the Spirit.
I kinda know how Dad feels. There have been a lot of times that I have been told, "Don't worry about it." It bugged me at first, but I'm over it. I think that you are right. Dad is very focused when it comes to his calling. He's a very obedient man. I think that that's why the Lord put him in the stake presidency. He loves to teach, and like you said, always teaches with the Spirit. He's good at it. I think in the end he's really gonna miss his calling (and the teaching) when they are released. I'm gonna miss mine as a missionary.
I DID get the box. Thank you for the goodies. Thanks for sending me healthy ones too. I've actually been eating a lot of sunflower seeds recently. They help curb my appetite, and you can't get fat on them. I've also got some chili/lime powder to put on fruit so that I can snack on that. I'm losing a little bit of weight. Also, I'd like to work with Dad at the hospital or somewhere... basically, I'd like to translate.... and work. I like working. Thanks Mom, for teaching me to appreciate it.
Before I go, I want to let you know that I miss the rain a LOT. We've been having some rain here recently, and I loved it! It never lasted long though. It would rain a TON for a couple of minutes, then stop and the sun would come out, resulting in Alabama humidity. I miss thunderstorms and all that jazz. Oh the things you never knew you had until you didn't have them anymore.
Something I'm glad I learned before I came out on my mission is to not let things get to me. I think I started working on that when I was 16 or 17..... anyway, that has helped me out a lot. I'm pretty sure now that when I get back home, I'll have even more patience. I'm glad I learned that out here in the mission.
We had a baptism last Saturday!!!!!!!! Moroni finally got baptized. He didn't get confirmed though. To put a long story short, he was locked inside the house, so his uncle couldn't pick him up to bring him to church. It was kind of a bummer, but he should get confirmed this coming up Sunday. Man, the adversary really doesn't rest at all, does he?

July 21st
Yeah, it's pretty hot out here, but I don’t miss the Alabama mugginess. yuck. That's the ONLY thing I don't like about Alabama, but I still love it.
Dad told me about the floods in the rooms downstairs. I'm glad to know that Mark and Sarah offered to help. Hope that takes care of it.
It's gonna be so weird when I get back. I really will have a need to tell people at church, I'm Elder Parker....... MILES Parker." Many families have moved already huh? I still miss the Tukuafu's. I think it's so cool that her son was born on the day I went into the MTC. He'll be two when I get back.
The seeds and the popcorn where really good. I like that popcorn. I'd have to try other flavors when I get back.
Our new mission President, President Neider, is awesome. He's a LOT different from Pres. Christensen, but just as good. He's got a great sense of humor too. I'm still companions with Elder Carrasco, and our teaching pool is doing good. We're still looking for investigators though, which gets increasingly harder as it gets increasingly hotter. The work still must be done. Who else will do it?
Dad, speaking of Captain America, have you heard about the movie Cowboys and Aliens? I've only seen the cups, and a glimpse of a preview while eating dinner, and it looks pretty cool. 7/11 is selling a slurpee called "Alienade".
So, it's getting hotter out here. I'm fine with it (Alabama heat is MUCH worse), but people out here are irritable. They don't even want a card. pretty sad if you ask me. Yesterday this one woman asked us what we were doing. I told her we were missionaries and we came to visit someone. She said we were trespassing. I told her no, we came to visit someone specific, and we don't sell anything either, neither are we knocking on random doors. She told me that I was lying and that I don't need to come back. I told her "Go knock on that door. She'll tell you that we just finished visiting her." "Look. Don't argue with an 80 year old lady. I'm right, you're wrong. Get out please." The nerve of some people. She's lucky I wasn't some hoodlum with a short temper. Some people these days....
Things are going good though, despite the setbacks. We're working hard, and making progress.
Well, that wraps it up for now. I'm glad that you’re all still working and that things are still going good for you. Life is meant to be full of surprises. Take it as it comes with a smile and a PMA. Y’all are awesome. I love you!

July 28th
The new auditorium at the high school sounds like quite a jaw-dropper. I'm kinda anxious to see it now. Maybe it would be possible to do Phantom of the Opera there with all that stuff. Speaking of stages and theater, I'd really like to take you out here to see some shows. While there is some very questionable stuff, there's also a few family approved shows and entertainment. I'd have to do some more research though. I wanted to take you to see Phantom out here, but I here that they've added some inappropriateness to it. What a bummer. Why do people do that?
So.... when are Stefanie and Brady getting married? Will I be back in time? I'd kinda like to go, but at the same time, I don't. I don't want to see or experience a sealing until my own, but at the same time, I'd like to see Stefanie get married. She's been a great friend and example to me as a focused member and temple worthy one too. She wrote me a note in the MTC about how I had set an example for her, when I really did nothing of the sort. SHE inspired ME to take my calling seriously, and to do what I could, even though I was only in the MTC. I'm really happy for her. oh, quick question. Does she still speak Spanish?
I don't remember the model number for my typewriter. I’ll let you know what model it is next week. Thanks for trying to get the ink cartridges.
I'm glad to hear about her friend learning the TRUTH about Mormon's and not believing what some other preacher says. I hate bigotry and hypocrisy. Preachers who do that aren’t thinking. How in the world can we believe in a different Christ than they do when the Christ that we believe in was born of a Virgin, performed miracles, suffered for our sins, died on a cross by the traitorous hands of a "friend", paid for our sins, and was resurrected 3 days later. How is our Christ different from "theirs" when ours is also our Savior and Redeemer, the Son of God in the flesh, and the ONLY MEANS whereby salvation can be achieved. It's not that hard to find out what others believe, so people should do some research before they make an assumption, ya know what I mean? Good golly. I don't mind if people don't believe our message, but to judge us unrighteously based on rumors and false statements is unacceptable. Man. Sorry for my rant. It's a pet peeve of mine.
This week did kinda go by fast. It seems like it was yesterday I was here at the computer writing you an e-mail. The weeks seems to blend together and the time slips right on by. I used to want time to go by fast. Now I want it to slow down. I don't have much time left, I still have a lot of work to do. Do you feel that way about your calling? I love helping the Lord in His work. I love making things go the way they should, but after I'm released, I can't. I guess that's what the Lord intends to happen though. I think that He enjoys seeing us change our perspective of His work, changing it from a burden to a pleasurable privilege.
Even though we are out almost all day in the blistering heat, I'm surviving. Everyone here is very generous with their water (and their beer, but of course we don't drink that). If we ask for water, they give it to us. I'm so happy for the goodness that still lives in the hearts of even the worst of sinners.
So, we finally confirmed Moroni. He came in just in the nick of time (right before we closed the doors for Sacrament). Now he's a full-fledged member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!
I wanted to know what you think: We have a problem here in that when we ask for people to give transportation to someone, they decline, reasoning that we need to help our investigators be more self reliant. I understand what they mean, and it’s true- but don't you think that that's a lack of charity? In our ward at home, nobody has a problem driving 20 extra miles to pick someone up, but here, they grumble and complain that they have to go 6 extra miles. There’s a temple right here- but they still don't go every week, whereas back home, we look forward to our next temple trip in 3 or 4 months. I'm not saying that the Saints here are terrible, but I don't understand that mentality. Why would someone NOT want to help someone out. Saying that they should walk to church in the heat while they ride in car is like saying, "Hey. YOU make sacrifices, cause I don't want to." Whatever happened to the Savior's teaching of "If he bid you go with him for a mile, go with him twain."? Do you have any suggestions or scriptures I can use to teach this to others? in the ward?
Thanks for all that you do. I hope that work goes good for you Dad, and that you can find a better job. I WILL keep you in my prayers. I love you and hope the best for you. Take care and be happy! I hope that all goes well with the play Mom.

4 August
New Babies! I'm really happy for Tim and Nicole! He must be doing awesome right now. And I DO remember the Mitchell's. He was my EQP before I left. I didn't know him very well, but I do remember that I felt a strong spirit of sincerity and kindness around him. Tell them both I said Congrats on their new additions.
I just got a call from the mission office. Here‘s the conversation:
"Hello, this is Sister Royal from the Nevada, Las Vegas Mission Office. How are you Elder Parker?"
"I'm fine."
"That's good. Well, I'm calling because I need to purchase your flight tickets now. What major airport to live close to?"
It trunked me out. I can't believe that I'll be done in three months. I kinda don't want to go back home. I love you all, don't get me wrong, but..... I love serving the Lord. If I could, I'd just bring you guys out here and keep on working, but as you well know, I can't. Life goes on. There are many things to look forward to: Marriage, school, marriage, career, marriage, games, marriage, family home evenings, marriage, work, marriage, Enterprise ward, marriage........ oh I almost forgot -- marriage. I think that all these things will keep me from being DISTRAUGHT when I'm released. I think marriage would help me out too. :)
Yeah, I think I'll do that Dad. If someone refuses to help, I'll ask them, "What would Jesus do?" or better yet like you said, "If Jesus asked you for a ride, would you give it to Him?" Maybe they will see it better that way.
Man, we've never been robbed before I left on the mission. Then all of sudden, our cars get broken into twice and JaNae and Jeremy’s house..... I want to find this guy and show him the power of the Mighty One. Seriously though, as far as suggestions go it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep Moroni around on the middle floor. Although, he is getting old and less protective. Just FYI, Pit Bulls are VERY loyal and VERY protective dogs. They aren't like what a lot of people think they are. I've met quite a few of them here on the mission, and they are quite an intimidating sight for those that break in. So are German Shepherds. Interesting trivia. Do you know why German Shepherds are so named? In Germany, the farmers sent their boys to town with one of these dogs. They are big, loyal, friendly, and protective. They have the nastiest bite of all dogs. They would "shepherd" the boy to town and back safely. Cool fact eh? If worse comes to worse, you can set up booby traps to catch the thieves red-handed.
Well, I gotta get going now. Take care and be happy! I love you very much! Lemme know if I can do anything while over here in the Desert.

11 August
Don't worry Mom. I wouldn't ever NOT email you. The computer I was on warned me about turning off to have a scheduled update. So we had to go back to our apartment for awhile. Now I'm here. Don't worry. I got it all under control. Take notes. LOL
The 17 points of the true church lesson that Jeremy did for FHE sounds great. I heard the talk when the man first published them. The story is AMAZING. He figured those points out with the Bible alone, and then found the Mormon church and was baptized AFTER he made up the list. Quite an inspiring story. We don't use it much out here. Sometimes we go into certain points, but we don't do them all.
Jotty told me that he's been working on his Spanish, and that he didn't think that he'd have many problems when he gets to the field. Since he asked me, I responded to him, completely in Spanish. Then I reminded him that he's going to Mexico City. Down there, they have this type of people called chilangos (much like rednecks). They have an awful sense of dress, and poor grammar. He's GOING to have a hard time, unless of course the Lord blesses him with the gift of the interpretation of tongues. Speaking of which, I'm still having a hard time understanding people. It's so weird. I still speak and write much better than I can understand. I can even translate good when reading, but listening and comprehending is a different story. I think that it's kept me humble though. I enjoy being humble. Less problems in my life when I am.
That pirate ship trip sounds really cool. I remember Jacob telling us about it. One day I hope to bring you out here to see some shows. While there are a lot of "sketchy" ones, there are also a lot of family ones too. There's one that I think Dad would really like. It's called Kind Arthur’s arena. While you sit and eat, men down in the pit, donning a full suit of armor, are jousting, fencing, and what ever else knights do. It's a little noisy, and I heard that the food isn't that good, but whatever…sounds like an awesome show. There's also the Blue Man Group, Penn and Teller, and MacKing. Terry Fator the ventriloquist is there, and he's very clean as well.
Thanks for the stories about JaNae’s boys. Cian's such a funny kid. Brice is too. I'm looking forward to playing with my nephews and nieces again.
As far as spiritual experiences go, I don't have one on the top of my head. But I DO have an awesome story that goes to prove that scripture doesn't lie. ahem:
A couple days ago, we were just biking, looking for people to talk to. We came across a couple pushing their baby in a baby stroller. We talked with them very briefly about how the Gospel as taught through a modern day prophet can help us come closer to Christ, and closer as a family. They accepted a return appointment, and gave us permission to refer them over to English missionaries (they didn't speak Spanish). A couple days after that, the missionaries who we referred them to told us how they had already taught the couple the first lesson. They went by yesterday and Kyle (the husband) said, "Ya know, I've been thinking about what you guys said yesterday. Me and my wife prayed about it, and it's something that we want to pursue. We'd like to continue with you guys." In Doctrine and Covenants, section 4, the Lord says to Joseph Smith, "Behold, the field is white, already to harvest. And lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same perisheth not, but bringeth salvation unto his soul." We as missionaries are reapers. We were given sickles, not seeds. It is not our job to plant seeds. That belongs to the members. Some wheat stalks take a couple more hacks to cut down (meaning, several missionaries might need to work with him before he is baptized), but nonetheless, we are reapers. These two people were "white, already to harvest". Scripture does not lie. Anyone who says that their mission was just to plant seeds, is wrong. Members plant seeds, not missionaries.
Well, I've got to get headed out now. I love you very much. Take care, work hard, and be happy.

18 August
Re: bike. No cost. The Todds bought a warranty, so it gets fixed for free. I like this bike a lot. I'm not being hard on it, but I AM a big guy.
I'm about at that point where I need to send stuff home so I’ll be starting to send boxes.
I'm planning on sending books. Also, when you send my SD card back, would you be able to send a book of stamps please? That would help me out greatly.
I have planned to write Brice a letter. I just need a little bit of time to write it up and to send it. Also, has Bro. Jones gotten back yet? I was going to write him, but he told me that he was coming back soon, so I didn't want to send a letter to Iraq, and have him return after he comes home.
Wow...... Jotty's already going to the temple. Time goes by so fast. I can't believe that he'll be leaving in less than a month.
So this week has been a little slow. We've been on foot for a while, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. I don't mind the heat and stuff, but what I do mind is that I'm not able to talk to many people. Not many want to stop and talk to us. They all say that it's too hot to talk and I'm like, "Yes, but if you would just listen to what we have to say." Of course I don't really say that, but sometimes I really want to. Oh the things I'd say if I didn't have this tag on my chest. Oh well. I can't have it all now can I? teaches me more patience.
I'm training a new missionary again. I'm also district leader. My new trainee is Elder Martinez. He's from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico. He's a way cool elder. He already speaks English too. He learned a lot from his uncle, who served with a bunch of Americans on his mission. I'm a little nervous, but I know that this work will only bring me blessings. When I was district leader in Ely, it was really like I was a senior companion of two companionships. I only had to call the senior couple once a week on Sunday, and prepare trainings for a hour-long district meeting that we had every other week. Now I'm responsible for 3 companionships, exchanges, daily stewardship calls to my district and to the zone leaders, baptismal interviews, and weekly district meetings. I'm excited for it though.
I've got to get going, I love you very much!

25 August
I heard about Jotty and his delay into the MTC. It‘s cool that he‘ll be part of a pilot program though. I haven't heard about any pilot program until just now. Is it something new that they are trying, or is it because he's a little more advanced in his Spanish? Whatever it may be, I know that he's ready to do it. I love 1st Nephi 3:7. It's really helped me out while here on the mission.
Oh man! Did the Temple President really say that? That'd be awesome!(re: helping Miles get into Auburn’s Vet program) I'm fairly excited to see what happens with that. I hear Jacob's planning on going to Auburn too. I think that'd be cool to be there when he is. Eric will probably be gone by then.
Things in the field are great. Elder Martinez is the bomb! He's a little unsure about himself, but he's really doing great. As for me, I'm doing good as well. It's really hot out here. The whole week has been over 100. Yesterday was a murderer. 110 degrees. Not the most ideal temperature, but we worked anyway. The Lord protected us. As for investigators, we've got several who are progressing towards baptism. The Rivera Family have been coming to church for the past 3 weeks, but we haven't been able to visit and teach them, because the Dad is always working. It seems like Satan doesn't just work through discouragement. I think God allows him to do things that physically block us from our goals, but He also knows that if we have faith, he can remove them for us, or he will at least give us strength to cope with it. I hope that we, AND our investigators have that faith that we need.
Re: spiritual experiences. I'm not quite sure why I don't tell you as many. They definitely still happen, but I think that they are a lot smaller and more frequent. For example, yesterday, my companion got a flat. Because he got a flat, we had to get a ride and as a result, ended up arriving late to our appointment. When we got inside, they mentioned how they had just gotten home and were hoping that they hadn't missed us. We thought that the flat tire was a hindrance, but it was indeed a blessing. Our investigators (Miguel and Lucrecia), really want to come to church and to change their lives. If we didn't show up late, we wouldn't have been able to teach them. We see them again on Saturday, and plan on setting them for baptism. I know that they will accept.

Re: the many questions that you asked. 1) I've been using other missionaries white pants to baptize since mine were lost. 2) I’m not sure when I will be sending the bike home…probably “as I leave” so to speak. Right now I am waiting for a new rim to come in. In the mean time, Elder Ellis is lending me his bike. 3) Yes, the suit is holding up nicely too. 4) I'm planning on sending 3 to 4 boxes home using the flat rate boxes because there's no weight charge up to 75 pounds. If you can fit it, they'll ship it. It'll mostly be extra clothes and books. They make up a lot of the weight that I have. And 5) In the district, there are 3 companionships. My role as a district leader is to make sure that my missionaries are happy and are working hard. They report to me for the week, and I report to the zone leaders. I am also in charge of making sure that the ward is progressing. Not like I'm in charge of the ward (that's the bishop), but since all the district companionships are all in the ward, and I'm the leader, I head the work. I plan out district meetings and trainings, and I also do baptismal interviews for the missionaries in my district. It's a lot different than when I was in Ely. I guess in Ely I was more like a senior companion of two companionships. This is a lot different.
Well, I've got to get headed out now. Take care and be happy. I love you very much.

con mucho amor,
Elder Parker

1 comment:

  1. So, I was wondering. I know Miles doesn't have a ton of time on the computer, but can I send him an email too? Or just a letter? I feel like such a terrible friend for not writing ever!
